How to make tree in little alchemy

How to make tree in little alchemy

How to make tree in little alchemy 

In this blog post we’ll be looking at how to make a tree in Little Alchemy. This is just one of the many different types of alchemy ite ms you can make with in this cool game. It’s not that difficult to do once you know what ingredients are needed, but it does take some trial and error. If you want to find out how to make a tree in little alchemy then continue reading our post

How to make a tree in little alchemy

There are many different ingredients that can be used to make a tree in little alchemy. The tree we are going to create in this article is a Cherry Blossom Tree. You’ll need to have a total of 12 ingredients in your cauldron to make a tree. It’s not an easy recipe, so you might want to take your time and make sure you get it right the first time.

What you need to make a tree in little alchemy

The following are the ingredients you’ll need to make a tree in little alchemy: - Water - Grass - Oak Leaves - Small Tree - Large Tree - Roots - Tree Bark - Leaves - Trunk - Flower Bud - Blossom - Cherry Blossom Tree.

10 Steps to make tree in little alchemy

Before making any tree the first step will be to make a plant first to make a plant in little alchemy you can use these combinations which are mentioned below with Steps :

  • Step 1 - combine water + water and it will become an puddle
  • Step 2 - now combine puddle + puddle and it will be converted to pond
  • Step 3 - now combine pond + pond and it will become an lake
  • Step 4 - after that combine the lake + lake to make a sea
  • Step 5 - in this step you have to use two elements 1st earth and second sea after successfully combining it will become primordial soup
  • Step 6 - now combine fire + fire and this will convert to energy
  • Step 7 - now combine energy + primordial soup and this combination will be converted to life
  • Step 8 - now combine life + earth and this will be converted to soil
  • Step 9 - after last step combine soil + life and finally this will become an plant
  • Step 10 - and to make a tree with this plant you will need to combine plant + time and then finally you will get your tree in little alchemy

Tips for making a tree in little alchemy

- You can use the sort button to arrange your ingredients by type, colour, or rarity. When you mouse over ingredients, the required amount for that item will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen. - If you don’t have enough of a particular ingredient or it is the incorrect colour, it will be shown as red text. - If you have multiple items in your cauldron, you can use the arrow buttons to cycle between them. - If you’re trying to make a tree in little alchemy, you can also use an empty cauldron. This will allow you to combine two ingredients at a time. - You can speed up the process of baking by using a higher heat setting. Using a medium heat setting will result in a slower cooking process. - The higher the heat setting, the shorter amount of time it will take for your alchemy item to be ready.


So guys I hope You now know how to make a tree in little alchemy. This is just one of the many different types of alchemy items you can make easily after this post. You can just use our 10 Steps guide to make a tree in little alchemy and it will help you for sure thanks for visiting our blog.

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