How to Make Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2

How to Make Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2


How to Make Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2

Did you know that light bulbs are one of the most popular transmutable objects in the game Little Alchemy 2? In this article, we’ll show you all there is to know about making light bulbs in Little Alchemy 2. The process may seem tricky for those who are new to this game, but it isn’t as difficult as it looks. With the right set of instructions and a little bit of creativity, anyone can do it. There are several items that you'll need to combine to be able to change into light bulbs in Little Alchemy 2. This Combination requires electricity and Glass combination but to get these two combination we will have to do some more combinations which I will share below in this post ! Read on to discover how you can make these things and How you can make light bulbs in little alchemy 2...

How to Make a Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2 using glass and electricity

The most important combination for making a light bulb in Little Alchemy 2 is to create electricity. Electricity is a primary ingredient in the Little Alchemy 2 game, and you cannot make light bulbs without it. You can create electricity by combining the wind and the wind turbine. The wind and the wind turbine are both easily available in the Little Alchemy 2 game. However, they are also very easy to create. You can make the wind by mixing the air and the motion. And wind turbine can be created by mixing windmill & machine .Once you’ve got electricity, it’s time to make glass. The glass can be created by mixing the sand and the fire. Once you’ve got the glass, it’s time to make light bulbs.

What is a Light Bulb in little Alchemy 2 ?

Guys basically A light bulb is type of a device which is used to convert electricity into light. This bulb is made from glass and a carbon filament which is wrapped around a voltaic or eletrical supply. The carbon filament generates heat when electricity is applied to it and the heat is used to convert the glass into a gas which is used to produce light. But in little alchemy 2 you just need few combination. By using those combination you can easily make light bulbs.

What You’ll Need to Make a Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2

  • Step 1 - combine earth + earth and outcome will be land.
  • Step 2 - now combine fire + fire and it will become energy
  • Step 3 - now in this step combine earth+ fire to get lava
  • Step 4 - in step 4 combine air + lava xand it will become stone
  • Step 5 - now combine land and earth to make a continent
  • Step 6 - now to get sand combine stone + Air
  • Step 7 -Combine the continent with continent to make planet
  • Step 8 - now to get glass I already mentioned above to use this ombination fire + sand
  • Step 9 - after that make a sun by combining fire + planet
  • Step 10 - now to create wind by combining the Air and motion
  • Step 11 - after that combine windmill + machines to make a wind turbine
  • Step 12 -After that combine the wind turbine and wind to make electricity
  • Step 13 - and now finally combine electricity + Glass to make a Light bulb in little alchemy 2.

How to use Glass + light combination to make a Light Bulb in Little Alchemy 2

Once you’ve created the electricity and the glass, you can use these two items to make light bulbs in Little Alchemy 2. To do this, combine the electricity and the glass to create the light bulb item. The light bulb is a very important item in the Little Alchemy 2 game. You can use the light bulb to brighten up any room in your house. You can even use it to grow plants indoors, even in the winter. The light bulb is one of the items that everyone in the Little Alchemy 2 game should have. This is because it’s very useful in many ways.


In this article, we’ve shared everything you need to know about how to make light bulbs in Little Alchemy 2. To make a light bulb, you’ll need electricity and glass. I hope this article was useful for you thank you for visiting our website

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