How To Make A Container In Little Alchemy 2

How To Make A Container In Little Alchemy 2


How To Make A Container In Little Alchemy 2

In Little Alchemy 2, the player starts with the four basic elements: air, earth, fire, and water. With these four elements, the player can combine them to create more complex items, such as a human or a plant.

One of the basic items that can be created is a container. The player can create a container by combining the elements of philosophy and house. The container is a versatile item that can be used to store other items.

What is Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 is the sequel to the popular crafting game Little Alchemy. In the game, the player starts with the four basic elements: air, earth, fire, and water. With these four elements, the player can combine them to create more complex items, such as a human or a plant.

How to make a container in Little Alchemy 2

Players can create a container in Little Alchemy 2 by combining the elements of philosophy and house. To do this, players must first select the "combine" tab in the bottom left corner of the screen. Players must then drag and drop the "philosophy" element onto the "house" element.

After this, the "container" element will appear in the crafting window. Players can then drag and drop this element into the world to place it.

Players can also use the container to store other items. To do this, players must first select the item they wish to store in the container. Players must then drag and drop this item onto the container. The item will then be stored inside of the container.

5 Basic combination for making containers in little alchemy 2

  1. Box + philosophy = container
  2. Bottle + philosophy = container
  3. House + philosophy = container 
  4. Poterry + philosophy = container
  5. Bucket + philosophy = container


I hope after reading our post on making a container in little alchemy 2 you can now easily make containers in your alchemy game Account , thanks for visiting our blog

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